Frequently asked questions

Pricing & payments

Do you have a refund policy?

Of course. All our lessons are creditable, meaning you can be refunded for the amount of unused credits in a term or have them transferred to the next term.

What are the payment methods available?

We accept both Debit/Credit Card payments and bank transfers. At the beginning of the term, you will receive an invoice covering all lessons scheduled within that term, and be provided with a link to pay for the classes and bank transfer details.

Do you offer pay as you go options or weekly payments?

Unfortunately, no! We only accept package payments of 10, 20 or 40-week. We want to deliver results, not bury ourselves in admin work. That means more time for us to teach and tutor, curate materials and talk to students… less time emailing and invoicing. It’s obvious we spend a lot of energy personalising your course syllabuses. An upfront commission will allow us to redirect our energy into delivering a comprehensive learning experience supporting students through the rigorous and rapid-paced VCE English study design. Maintaining this attitude of long-term tutoring and commitment, leads to the optimal results we want for you.

Are there any lock-in contracts?

By using our services, you agree to our cancellation policy. However, that doesn’t mean you are “locked in”. You can cease tutoring at any time provided a 7-day notice is given to our tutor or admin team. We’ll happily refund 100% of your unused credits. The purpose of our termly payments is to act as a security bond. This allows us to do our best work without the bulk of constant admin. But most importantly, it allows you to secure a place with our in-demand tutors as we only have a limited number of available slots per semester.

Private classes

How frequent are your classes?

Depends. If your academic support needs are higher, the obvious recommendation is more frequent classes. But as a rule of thumb, we’d recommend at least once a week to reap the best results and stay consistent with the fast-paced curriculum and study design. After all - consistency is key.

Do you charge different rates for online learning?

No. The same rates apply for online tutoring and in-person tutoring. Regardless of the mode of delivery, our students have uniform access to study materials and high quality teaching from our tutoring team. This also allows us to be geographically inclusive. Our rural students who cannot travel to us, will still be gaining access to our resources and high quality VCE English tuition. Whether it’s behind a screen or not, you’ll still be thoroughly prepared for the trials and tribulations of Year 11 & 12 VCE English as long as you’re with us.

How are your lessons structured?

Because VCE English & Humanities are dynamic subjects, we adopt a fusion of lecture-style and hands-on practical work. In essence, we workshop the lesson to build a student’s toolbox of exam and SAC preparation skills, supplemented with comprehensive and relevant theory. We aim to create a collaborative and highly engaged learning environment. Our lessons are powered by 100+ slides and supplementary material, work books and weekly assigned homework that is aligned with current VCE English study designs. In a private class environment, you can also work with your tutor to tailor the lesson for specific areas you want to improve upon.

Where will the classes be held?

We have both online and in-person classes! We have a spacious office in the CBD at 480 Collins St, Melbourne 3000 with plenty of study space, local hidden cafes and delicious dinner spots to go after class. It’s only a three minute walk away from Melbourne Central, which is convenient for students travelling by public transport. Our online Zoom options will also allow you to rug up and stay indoors for those days where you don’t want to leave your house. But from what we’ve gathered about our VCE English students, the most popular option is a flexible arrangement of both remote and in-person learning, to gain benefits of both.

How much essay feedback do you offer each week?

We adopt a quality over quantity approach towards feedback. This means we DO offer comprehensive, detailed and constructive feedback. We DON’T offer unlimited feedback, because we’ve found that such a policy can undermine the quality of our tutors’ support. Whilst we provide feedback on assigned homework, we also recommend tutors going through any additional work verbally during class time as we find this to be the most effective way in engaging with feedback and actively building skills together.

Online resources

FAQs for online resources coming soon.