VCE English Study Design Changing in 2024

Published on
March 15, 2024

The study design is undergoing substantial changes this year, pushing seasoned VCE English tutors, students, and teachers into uncharted territory. Methods and resources that once served us well may no longer hold the same weight. Most impacted by this change are Year 12s who are sitting the VCE English exam in October 2024.

In the past, a quick Google search or a teacher's recommendations could provide valuable insights, books, study guides, past exam papers etc. However, these familiar lifelines have vanished, leaving many tutors and teachers to start from a zero point.

This begs the question… how is the VCE English Study Design changing?

What are the changes?

Everything is shifting, but here’s the main changes you’ll want to know:

  1. Comparatives will no longer be relevant. The new study design has discontinued this entire section, meaning any comparative resources or content will no longer apply 2024 onwards.
  2. “Frameworks of Ideas” will be introduced. This involves students learning from “mentor texts”, drawing inspiration from them and crafting their own original texts.
  3. Focus on creative writing. Students will need to study thematic ideas - broadly drawing from a range of real life and fictional references.
  4. Reflective commentary and personal reflections. Get ready to talk!
  5. Audio and audiovisual texts introduced to the Analysing Arguments area of study!

Developing a Competitive Advantage

We are quite excited about the change though, and we have been preparing for this for months now. Our 2024 students are poised to gain a distinct edge that sets them apart from the rest of Victoria’s bell curve.

While many students may find themselves entering the classroom with uncertainty and a lack of direction, our students will have the benefit of familiarity, clarity, and guidance within the new study design from our unwavering commitment to their education.

As a team, we invest significantly in terms of budget, time, and effort to ensure our students are well-prepared. Here's how we've been doing it:

Research & Development

Staying ahead of the curve demands continuous research and development. That's why we actively engage in conferences hosted by VCAA experts and assessors. This hands-on approach empowers us with crucial insights into the changes and expectations of the new study design, enabling us to adjust and refine our approach and resources. Not many tutors can say this, but we’re perhaps one of the few tutoring companies that are actually teacher-approved. We have lectured at state high schools, marked official SACs for private schools and been recommended to parents by VCE assessors.

A quick visit to our website reveals our dedication to developing high-quality resources, that are used by schools and teachers across Victoria. Recognising the scarcity of existing materials for the new VCE English study design, we are committed to creating our own resources. Some are available online, but they are only the tips of the iceberg.

Here are some features of our 2024 resources:

  • Information about key themes, symbols and characters that can easily be adapted using our writing templates
  • MUST-REMEMBER key quotes for every single text, with sample analysis written by RAW-50 tutors
  • Distinctive interpretation and insights (authorial intent, views and values) extracted from academic journals
  • Step-by-step guides for each framework of ideas with sample creative texts and detailed notes
  • 300+ page of argument analysis notes (in the form of formulae and sample A+ analysis)

Training our Tutors

Central to our preparation is the readiness of our tutors to teach the 2024 study design and texts. Before the dawn of 2024, we're heavily invested in providing our tutors with comprehensive training and resources. This ensures our students receive the best possible guidance as they embark on this new chapter in English education.

Want to find the best tutor? You can compare the options you have available here.

Embracing the Challenge

While it's natural to feel nervous about these significant changes, we genuinely look forward to the fresh content and frameworks that 2024 will bring. As educators and academics, we thrive on challenges and growth. We see this transition as an opportunity for deeper exploration, a chance to delve into new texts, and a platform to foster a love for learning.

Despite the many uncertainties and challenges lying ahead, we can’t wait to begin this journey of growth, together.